zjffun blog

My Job Interview

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Career Planning

  • 喜好原则
  • 擅长原则
  • 价值原则
  • 发展原则


  • 执行能力
  • 学习能力
  • 沟通正在练习



  • Unit Testing: Karma, Mocha & Chai
  • E2E Testing: Cypress or Nightwatch

Open Source

VS Code

Visual Studio Code March 2022 version 1.66

Contributions to vscode-js-debug: @zjffun (JuFeng Zhang): feat: heap profiling PR #1187

Generate heap profile file, visualize heap profile, refactor code and extract components.

  1. get heap profile
  2. add heap profile adapter
  3. add heap profile visualizer, extract components
  4. generate annotations, help us see heap usage in the editor
  5. add model layer, generate heap profile tree
  6. using WebGL draw heap profile flame graph
    1. add shader
    2. bind buffer set data


jsdom is a pure-JavaScript implementation of many web standards, notably the WHATWG DOM and HTML Standards, for use with Node.js.

Added some features and fixed some bugs and make them pass WPT (jsdom using WPT test features). For example:


Currently 17.8k stars.


  1. Provide sortable, droppable, swappable etc. Those plugins is powerful, for example, them handle scroll well.
  2. native DnD is great, but when we meet some compatibility issues, we can use this library. Around 7% mobile device not support DnD. Drag and Drop Compatibility

Previous collaborator. Review PRs, add features and handle issues.

Project architecture:

  • raw events: raw mouse event, raw pointer event, raw dnd event
  • plugins: draggable plugin, sortable plugin, droppable plugin, swappable plugin
  • custom events: draggable event, sortable event, droppable event, swappable event
  • user API (class): Draggable class, Sortable class, Droppable class, Swappable class


VS Code Extension

VSCode Snippets Manager

Currently 4466 download.


  • Using jsonc-parser parse jsonc file to Map (The key order of object may wrong when meet pure numeric keys).

Chrome Extension

Close Socket

Currently 484 users.


  • Sometimes you modify hosts, but it's not take effect in Chrome, this may be caused by sockets, you can use this extension.

Technical Projects

Upgrade Vue 2 to Vue 3

Performance Optimize

Using InteractionObserver lazy load components make the page load faster almost 10 times.

ZYB DEV Chrome Extension

Modify cookie quickly, improve dev experience.

front end monitor

  • Performance
  • JS error
  • Event and log





design to code

  • Figma

Business Projects

Table performance optimization

Lazy load components.

DnD config page

Drag and drop config buttons, datum and table columns.

AI Correction


  1. Prepare data
  2. Train the model
    1. Tensor
    2. Network structure
    3. Loss function
    4. Optimizers
  3. Validate the model
  4. Use the model


  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management) 客户关系管理:帮助企业有效录入、留存和追踪客户信息。
  • BI (Business Intelligence) 商业智能:很多图表辅助决策。即席查询(Ad Hoc):输入查询条件,查询结果会在图表上展示。
  • BPM (Business Process Management) 业务流程管理:拖拽配置审批、报销、请假等业务流程。